
Maggie's Videos


皆さん!こんにちわー! マギーのブログにようこそー!これからよろしく!

Maggie is lazy

So, this is Maggie. She is a little over 3 years old. She is a French Bulldog. She is smart, but stubborn. She is still single and has never had a puppy. She has a boyfriend named, John. He is a BIG collie. Recently she's been letting a long haired dachshund smell her bottom. We don't know his name yet.
Maggie works at an English school in Japan and has a blog here: Maggie's Blog.
She is very fond of Fried Chicken, and walks.
OH! And she has her own YouTube channel: Gimmeabonedog.
Yoroshiku! (<--Be nice to her!)